Prices of Goods

We recall that everything was less expensive back in the day and we earned less.  Here's an exception to that rule.  I'll take that return on investment.  

From Craigmyle Gazette 1921/22.

Summer Wear

I just want to know what the "athletic corset" looked like.  Doesn't sound that comfy to me.  Notice how you  have to ask to see the undergarments.  Wouldn't want to put the bloomers out in full site now apparently.

From Craigmyle Gazette 1921/22.

Craigmyle UFA

As always, the local farm store has it all.

From Craigmyle Gazette 1921/22.

The price of hay

From Craigmyle Gazette 1921/22.

The price of land

From Craigmyle Gazette 1921/22.

The price of a room

From Craigmyle Gazette 1921/22.